Hi! My name is Shodi Moris and I live in a beautiful Wisconsin River valley in Southwest WI. Grant County to be exact. This is the area where I grew up and it still feels like “home” to me!

I founded The Healing Arts Center in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin on April 1st 2003 with two other ladies at the young age of 23. I am asked often about my decision to be in the field of alternative therapies. It really just feels like an extension of who I am. Everything I do just comes naturally to me. In my work at The Center and my life at home. I really just feel like I am living from a place that is “second nature” to me. I don’t have to think about it. It’s just second nature!

My inspiration for putting aspects of myself “out there” so to speak, has come from so many people asking and wanting to learn about how they can do things more simply and be more self sufficient. I never grew up thinking that I contained any knowledge or experience that would really mean anything to others but as I move along through my journey I am realizing just how truly blessed I was for the things that I have lived! In fact, I really hated many parts of my childhood! I was not appreciative of working my summer vacation days away as a child in the family gardens, planting, weeding, harvesting. That was torture! Living out on a hobby farm we did not have any interaction with our friends for the entire summer!! Except for the neighbor kids across the creek, which we were thankful for! Our one thing that we did love was to escape in the woods on our horses any chance that we got! Swinging from vines that were hanging from the trees as we rode our horses under them! You know, all the things Dad told us NOT to do!

As I grew older into middle school and high school I realized that my peers often went to the “doctor” when they were sick. This was something that I had not experienced much at all as a child. When we were not feeling well Dad would ask us what was wrong and he would then treat us with one of his many concoctions. Maybe it was the yarrow we harvested and dried or some flower roots that had been cooked and turned into a “medicine” That was our “normal”

Another thing that was our “normal” was the fact that 90 to 100% of the food that was on our supper table was all grown or processed by my family. This was common for many generations older than me but not for my generation. It was rare to have something to eat that was “bought” from the store.

So more and more I have realized that my “normal” is valuable info that so many today are seeking. Also there is a part of who I am that is a teacher/helper and so here it is….this is my way to connect with so many at a time that are seeking what I have to offer on living life “second nature”

None of the info that I list is ever intended to be the “only” or “best” way to do things. Its all about offering how I choose to live! My desire is that followers simply enjoy what I am sharing and take what excites them and make their experience the best it can be!

Many Blessings!