Milestones: Gavin’s First Turkey

So, last weekend we were celebrating here at home. Not an official celebration or ceremony of any sorts. Just celebrating some “firsts” moments. We tend to make a big deal of “first time” events at our house.

This one in particular really made my heart sing. Now, I must admit, I’m not always enthused with the thought of my boys growing up on me so fast, but it’s inevitable so I have learned to embrace it and enjoy the different stages!

Saturday, April 6th 2012 Gavin shot his first turkey! That may cause some of you to roll your eyes and wonder why that was such a big deal. To me, that means many different things. First, Gavin was very happy and proud so that is very important. He enjoys hunting and any time my children are able to partake in activities that are of natural interest to them, the happier that makes me as a mom.

This event was all about learning new things for him and goes way beyond just “hunting”.

His Great Uncle, Bob Zeil, took him and after they bagged a turkey, Bob taught him how to ‘dress’ a turkey. Gavin learned how to gut it, take off the skin and cut it up. He also learned what organs are saved for eating as well. His day got even better because he went to his Great Uncle, Mark Moris’ house (to help process a cow, seeing a theme here?) and Mark offered to mount his turkey for him!

In our home, hunting is not just about the big ego of killing something. It’s the food chain. Nourishing and feeding ourselves as our ancestors did. Learning to hunt for food is on our list of important life skills and seeing Gavin transition into that phase leaves us with a smile. There is so much more that could be said in this write up but I will let that naturally branch off into different articles coming up!

If hunting for food is not something of interest to you and your family, that’s all fine too. Whatever your interests may be in this life, make sure you take the time to celebrate the milestones! Really CELEBRATE it! Before you know it, those moments are distant memories!