Celebrating Gavin

11:52 a.m. Thursday, October 28th 1999. Gavin and I finally meet eye to eye! His arrival into this world went smoothly. My mom was by my side to cut his cord. Gavins dad was present in the room but had just had FIVE teeth pulled the day before so he was in his own world of misery. We often tease Gavin that he showed up right before the noon meal. If you have ever met this 6 ft 3 in beast of a boy, you would know just what we are talking about.

They say we choose our parents before we come into our body. I guess we don’t know that for sure, but one thing I do know for sure, Im blessed everyday to have him as my son. I do like to think that he did pick me as a mom and he thinks he had a hand in that decision!

Having lost my first son while he was at daycare at the age of 3 months, you can just about image what a gift Gavin was to me. He definetly did not replace my Deven but Gavin was a good help at healing a broken heart.

From the day he was born, he has always seemed to make my world bright. Shortly after Gavin was a year old his biological father exited our life and never turned back. I was all Gavin had. He was all I had.

As a single mom it was a tremendous struggle to pay a morgage on a brand new house, maintain a household and raise a child alone. But, all I had to do was look at him. Something about Gavin made me dig deep to find the strength that I didnt know existed. For about four years it was just Gavin and I. My BEST friend in the whole world. How could such a young being be such a source of strength, love and support to a tired broken mom. I’m still not sure but he has always been able to bring out the best in me. I will never forget talking to him like he was another adult. I longed for adult conversation and he was there. Not sure he ever understood any of it at such a young age but he always seemed him respond in a way that left me feeling heard.

I have always felt that there was something a little extra special about Gavin, but what mom doesnt think that about her child. As the years rolled by it became more evident that he was a child well beyond his years. An “old soul” so to speak. There are so many things to love about Gavin but his free spirit and sense of adventure has been such a great match to my own free floating soul. We started to travel the world together when he was just a few years old. More frequently since about the age of 6. His big heart and outgoing personality has lead him to connect with everyone from taxi drivers to hotel staff along our travels. He enjoys hearing peoples stories. And he genuinly cares about them. Gavin finds the simple things in life to be very meaningful. He cares about where his food comes from and where it was grown. He cares about the environment and nature. He loves connecting to the outdoors. He is a fearless spirit whom has never dreamed an idea that has ever seemed too big or out of reach for him. Confidence comes so natural to him. He is one of the most humble people I know. He has no clue about how great he is.

Above all else, I can LAUGH with Gavin like no one else. He has a great sense of humor and focuses on all the best things in life. If we are on a long road trip, we pass the time but telling stories to each other that make us laugh. I have never laughed with another person as much as him. At the young age of 15 he knows how this Universe works. He knows that only he knows what his soul came here to do. He knows how to follow his gut feelings about things. He’s not afraid to step out and make a decision that is good for him even though its not what the crowd is doing. He knows how to intentionally manifest things into his reality. He is the hardest working young man that I know. He’s a generous being whom wanted to take a trip for his 14th birthday to VOLUNTEER his time. He understands that love and peace (not war) is what will change our world for the better. He is a natual born leader. He is a powerful personality. He is an amazing athlete. He is a great team player. He is love. Here expressing himself as Gavin Lane Steiber. So, today, we are celebrating Gavin. The difference he makes in my life and the world around him. We gather some of our closest friends and family. We make a toast, we eat good food, we share stories, gifts, hugs, laighter and love. I dont think there has been a day that has gone by in the last 15 years that I have not told him how much I love him. He is such a gift. Gavin is a great reason to celebrate. I look forward to whatever he decides to be and to do on the rest of his journey and I am blessed beyond words to call him my son.