Turkey Tidbits

So, after Gavin shot his first wild turkey at youth hunting season, we now had some fresh meat to prepare.

Gavin has suggested the typical roasting/baking of the turkey in the oven with the fixings but I was in the mood for something different. For a few days the turkey found a new home in the refrigerator in a huge pot of water. As Gavin and I chitty-chatted about our options we decided to settle on a couple different dishes.


Gavin enjoys cooking and has since he was very little. He has some of his own cookbooks and one of the foods that he has commonly prepared for us is Homemade Parmesan Chicken Strips. So, we came up with the idea of taking the turkey breast, cutting it into strips and using the same recipe for Homemade Parmesan Turkey Strips!

So, I went to work washing and cutting the breast and gizzard into strips while Gavin began mixing up his famous concoction. We had a large amount of meat from only about one third of the breast so I froze the rest of the breast into small bags for future meals. I also froze the legs, heart, and liver. We will make homemade Turkey and Wild Rice Soup with that at a later time.

We coated the breast strips and cooked them in a little bit of olive oil. They came out crispy on the outside and tender and delicious on the inside. The turkey made for a great meal. The story of the hunt and discussion of the health benefits of wild turkey made for great conversation at the dinner table!

Frying Turkey Strips

I will guess that one wild turkey (made into the different dishes mentioned above) will make about 6 to 8 meals for my family of four! My family, Gavin and I especially, really love the feeling of being as self sufficient as possible and this fits perfectly into that category!